Road and Highway Development to Adopt SDG Criteria


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  • 11 Oct 2022
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Road and Highway Development to Adopt SDG Criteria

Future plans for road building and infrastructure maintenance will need to take into consideration surrounding development works, such as the presence of river basins and sustainable land use projects, to ensure that sustainable development goals (SDGs) are properly integrated, said Works Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof at a regional conference recently. The Works Ministry is working on the nation’s road and highway development policy, as well as its national infrastructure maintenance policy for 2030, and the minister said that there is a need to adopt a set of SDG-linked criteria, to reduce the risk of infrastructure damage should a natural disaster strike. The highway network development plans for individual states such as Sarawak, Sabah & Labuan will be launched in 2025.

Source: The Star