A new Index has concluded that companies supplying meat


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  • 04 Sep 2019
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Report: Food Giants ‘sourcing From Suppliers Flouting Climate Commitments’

A new Index from the investor network, FAIRR, has concluded that companies supplying meat and dairy to some of the world’s biggest food firms are failing to act in line with their clients’ environmental ambitions. The “Protein Producer Index” maps the sustainability initiatives of 60 of the world’s largest animal protein producers supplying to firms including Nestle, McDonalds and Walmart. The Index uses multiple metrics, such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, deforestation, water stewardship and animal welfare, to give each supplier an overall ranking of “high-risk”, “medium-risk”, “low-risk” or “best practice”. None of the companies assessed achieved “best practice status” – but 39 were classed as high-risk and a further 16 as medium-risk. FAIRR founder, Jeremy Coller, said that the lack of environmental action from food suppliers was undermining the “bold commitments made on sustainability in recent years” by high-street food brands and that investors are concerned that the sector is failing to act.

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