Data published by British newspaper, The Guardian, shows that 20 fossil fuel companies


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  • 09 Oct 2019
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Report: 20 Firms Behind a Third of All Modern Carbon Emissions

Data published by British newspaper, The Guardian, shows that 20 fossil fuel companies can be linked to more than one-third of all greenhouse gas emissions in the modern era. The analysis, by the US Climate Accountability Institute, shows that fossil fuels extracted by the 20 companies have contributed 480bn tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions since 1965 – the point at which experts say the environmental impact of fossil fuels was known by both industry leaders and politicians. Those identified range from investor-owned firms – household names such as Chevron, Exxon, BP and Shell – to state-owned companies including Saudi Aramco and Gazprom. The Guardian approached the 20 companies named in the list. Seven of them replied. Some argued that they were not directly responsible for how the oil, gas or coal they extracted were used by consumers. Several disputed claims that the environmental impact of fossil fuels was known as far back as the late 1950s or that the industry collectively had worked to delay action. All pointed out efforts they were making to invest in renewable or low carbon energy sources and said fossil fuel companies had an important role to play in addressing the climate crisis.

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The Guardian