The global food system is so carbon-intensive


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  • 14 Dec 2020
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Putting Sustainability on the Menu in Food Manufacturing

The global food system is so carbon-intensive that its emissions alone could be enough to heat the world by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius by the 2060s if nothing is done to change it, according to a new study by the Oxford Martin School, a research and policy organisation with a focus on sustainability at the University of Oxford. Food manufacturers need to tackle emissions from their entire supply chains, and they can start by cutting the carbon footprint of their factories with proven technologies. Pilot programs for variable speed motors help companies such as Campbell’s Australia to decrease refrigeration compressor’s energy use by 14 per cent, saving the firm AUD$15,000 and lowering its carbon dioxide emissions by about 131 tonnes. These installations delivered six to seven per cent of energy savings, with the compressors operating around the clock, the motors paid for themselves in less than a year. High-pressure cleaning of equipment and pipes, for example, consumes vast amounts of water. Digitalising operations by equipping motors, drives and other assets with sensors to collect real-time data could lead to more informed decisions, minimising unplanned downtime and disruptions within the plant.

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Eco Business