PRUCARE Farming Sustainability Programme Helps Disadvantaged Communities In Sabah


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  • 23 Mar 2023
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PRUCARE Farming Sustainability Programme Helps Disadvantaged Communities In Sabah

Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad (PAMB), Prudence Foundation and Hopes Malaysia established the PRUCare Farming Sustainability Programme to empower 310 beneficiaries from 60 families in Kota Belud, Sabah. The programme’s objective is to develop small-scale farming techniques to improve food self-sufficiency and generate sustainable income for disadvantaged communities. Under Phase One of the programme, which received RM 270,000 in funding and ended on 24th March, families were trained and given tools to start their own vegetable and fish farms. PAMB said in a statement: “In addition to improving food security, the families saw a marked increase in income at 55 per cent on average.” Phase Two of the programme will begin on 1st April, have a funding amount of RM 120,000 and will involve 30 families from Kota Belud for one year.

Source: Bernama