The Malaysian government is to continue with PR1MA's housing


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  • 08 May 2019
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PR1MA to Build Homes for Malaysians in M40 Group

The Malaysian government is to continue with Perbadanan PR1MA Malaysia’s (PR1MA) housing programme, carrying forward its main objective to build quality homes in urban and sub-urban areas and making them affordable to the Rakyat, particularly the middle-income (M40) group. Previously, Government-aided housing programmes were focused only on the lower-income group and this makes about half of middle-income Malaysian households unable to afford a house in the key market centres. As such, PR1MA was formed with the primary objective to serve as a catalyst that provides fairly-priced quality homes for the M40 income group in the urban and sub-urban areas. Furthermore, PR1MA’s development projects are also set to create a multiplier effect on the local economy as the new housing will help to create value from the land and open up more jobs and business opportunities for local communities.

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Focus Malaysia