Local waste management experts confident Malaysia can shift to circular economy


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  • 22 Jun 2018
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Plastics Producers Gear Up for Shift to Circular Economy

Local waste management experts are confident Malaysia can shift to a circular economy where reduction, reuse and recycling of resources prevail for the benefit of the environment. At least one trade organisation, the Malaysian Plastics Manufacturers Association (MPMA), is already taking the necessary steps in that direction. MPMA has already taken the big step to bring together all the stakeholders along the plastics supply chain to work towards the common goal of achieving a circular economy within the industry. “While plastic products serve a functional purpose that has helped consumers in many ways, it is essential to note that any material, including plastic products, can pose a problem to the environment if it is discarded indiscriminately,” its president, Lim Kok Boon, said.

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