Dozens of US companies, including household names such as Coca-Cola,


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  • 25 Aug 2020
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Plastic Pact Launches in the US as Industry Giants Pledge Action

Dozens of US companies, including household names such as Coca-Cola, Colgate, and Kimberley Clark, have signed up to a new Plastics Pact committing them to a raft of targets aimed at combating the global plastics crisis that is poisoning the planet’s oceans and pumping CO2 into the atmosphere. The initiative was launched by the Recycling Partnership and WWF, as part of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation‘s global Plastics Pact network, which has similar initiatives underway in the UK, France, Portugal, South Africa, Holland, and Chile. Signing the pact, more than 60 companies, government agencies, and NGOs have pledged to ensure that by 2025 they have made all plastic packaging reusable, recyclable or compostable, effectively recycled or composted 50 percent of their plastic packaging, and boosted the average recycled or responsibly sourced bio-based content of packaging by 50 percent. They will also draw up a list of packaging defined as problematic or unnecessary by 2021, and work to eliminate items on the list by 2025. The participating organisations will now work together to create a roadmap laying out the steps to achieving the pact’s targets.

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