Petronas is looking into the possibility of deploying


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  • 02 Dec 2020
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Petronas to Deploy Low-Carbon Solutions

Petronas is looking into the possibility of deploying more low-carbon solutions in the long term, with a project on carbon capture and storage in the planning. Other types of low-carbon solutions include carbon utilisation technologies, and bio-based products and hydrogen. Petronas VP of group health, safety, security and environment Dzafri Sham Ahmad said the company’s strategy is to continue minimising the impact of our carbon footprint in existing and future operations, and deploy more low-carbon solutions technologies. He said a full understanding of market readiness and changes in consumer behaviour is needed in order to determine the required capital investments. “We believe there are opportunities in growing our low-carbon portfolio and increasing circularity in our resource consumption to optimise costs. We are already seeing positive results through efforts that we have put in two decades ago to reduce emissions,” he said in a statement yesterday.

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The Malaysian Reserve