An Indonesian government regulation that prohibits logging companies


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  • 23 Apr 2019
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Peat Protection Rule May Inadvertently Cause Destruction to Indonesia’s Forests

An Indonesian government regulation that prohibits logging companies from developing on peatland concessions could push paper manufacturers to source wood from unprotected forests in other parts of Indonesia, warn a recent study. Suppliers of pulpwood, typically acacia, to Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) and Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) are subject to an Indonesian government regulation that prohibits them from clearing peat forests with protected status, such as those with peat layers deeper than 3 metres and those that contain high biodiversity. The government regulation may inadvertently push the suppliers to clear forests elsewhere for their plantations, the study says. This includes the vast and mostly intact natural forests of Papua, in Indonesia’s far east, where oil palm growers are already clearing the land after having depleted much of the forests in Sumatra and Borneo. APP, however, has downplayed the concerns, saying it has sufficient supply to meet projected demand at its mills through at least 2020. It says it has improved yields by cutting waste and cloning the most productive tree species for its plantations.

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