A global palm oil industry watchdog is planning


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  • 24 May 2019
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Palm Oil Watchdog to Create Separate Standards for Smallholders

A global palm oil industry watchdog is planning a separate standard for smallholders to help them adopt sustainable practices and get green certification, according to the Indonesian director of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). The European Commission earlier this year determined that palm oil has resulted in excessive deforestation and it should no longer be considered a renewable transport fuel, albeit with some exemptions. The decision angered the Indonesian government, as the country is the world’s biggest palm oil producer. Independent Indonesian farmers, with land no larger than 25 hectares, will have to meet environmental and social sustainability standards, but some requirements will be adjusted soon. These farmers would still have to comply with rules such as when teenaged family members work – they should not do so during school time and only for a certain amount of time per day. The RSPO will allow farmers to enjoy the benefits of certification in stages so that, for example, they can start to get RSPO benefits as soon as they confirm the legality of their land ownership.

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