Palm oil companies, which have faced criticism


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  • 14 Sep 2020
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Palm Oil Giants Say Sustainability is the New Business Norm

Palm oil companies, which have faced criticism in recent years of widespread deforestation, said that ensuring sustainability across the supply chain was the new business norm as scrutiny on responsibly produced palm oil mounts. In an online conference, plantation companies with estates in top producers Indonesia and Malaysia said supply chain traceability, and policies surrounding no deforestation, no planting on peatland and no exploitation were now a standard requirement from major global buyers such as Nestlé and Unilever. "Sustainability is the new business as usual," said Perpetua George, Wilmar International's Group Sustainability General Manager. With satellite technology making the monitoring of deforestation publicly accessible, the level of scrutiny is high and deforestation is not acceptable to stakeholders, the sustainable-certified palm companies said.

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