A New York City lawmaker has announced a bill to order massive energy


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  • 22 Aug 2018
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New York Announces Historic Legislation to Cut Biggest Source of Carbon Dioxide - Big Buildings

On Monday (20 August 2018), a New York City lawmaker announced a bill to order massive energy use cuts to big buildings, the city’s biggest source of carbon dioxide. The legislation, outlined in the Blueprint for Efficiency, requires the city to cut energy in the biggest buildings by 20 percent by 2030 to keep on a path to ultimately reach an 80 percent reduction target by 2050. This follows months of talks between environmental groups and the Real Estate Board of New York and if the legislation is applied then 50,000 buildings across the city will be impacted. Costa Constantinides, a member of the city council who leads the committee on environmental protection, said “If we are going to make a real impact on climate change, it’s going to be on the buildings.” 

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Climate Action