Nestlé invests USD340mn in new sustainable Nescafé coffee factory in Mexico.


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  • 28 Jul 2022
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Nestlé invests USD340mn in new sustainable Nescafé coffee factory in Mexico.

Nestlé has opened a new Nescafé coffee factory in Veracruz, Mexico. With an investment of USD340mn, the plant creates 1,200 new jobs in the region and makes Mexico Nestlé’s main coffee producer globally. The new factory leverages state-of-the-art equipment and green energies to reduce water and energy consumption. It uses wastewater treatment systems to ensure 100% of water recirculation, zero wastewater discharges and zero waste to landfills. It consumes 100% green electricity and is equipped with a biomass boiler that will use the biological waste from the coffee process to generate energy.

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