Nestlé Commits Over USD1bn to Sustainable Coffee Farming Plan


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  • 07 Oct 2022
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Nestlé Commits Over USD1bn to Sustainable Coffee Farming Plan

Global food and beverage company Nestlé launched the Nescafé Plan 2030, outlining the company’s ubiquitous coffee brand’s plan to improve the sustainability of coffee farming, and helping farmers transition to regenerative agriculture practices. Nestlé said that the brand will invest over CHF1bn (USD1bn) in the new plan by 2030. Regenerative agriculture also forms a key part of Nestlé’s Zero Net roadmap, by contributing to the capture and storage of carbon dioxide by soil. Under the new program, Nescafé will provide farmers with training, technical assistance and high-yielding coffee plantlets, and will work with farmers to test, learn and assess the effectiveness of multiple regenerative agriculture practices. The initiatives will be focused in countries including Brazil, Vietnam, Mexico, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Indonesia and Honduras, which represent 90% of the brand’s coffee sourcing.

Source: ESG Today