The latest analysis from the Energy and Climate Intelligence


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  • 18 Feb 2020
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Nearly Half of the World’s GDP Now Covered by Net-zero Targets

The latest analysis from the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU), a London-based think-tank, has found that 49 percent of GDP, representing more than $39 trillion, is now covered by regions with an actual or intended net-zero target. A total of 121 nations have put mechanisms in place to deliver net-zero emissions in timeframes that are aligned to the calls of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) landmark report in 2018. This compares to just nine months ago when analysis by the ECIU found that 16 percent of GDP was covered by net-zero carbon emission ambitions, with fifteen nations, states and regional areas intending to reach the target by 2050. Beyond the UK’s net zero target announced last year, Germany and the cities of California and Tokyo are amongst the highest regions in terms of GDP that have legislated or are discussing legislation for a net-zero target.

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The Edie