Muhyiddin: Concerted effort needed to improve sustainable living


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  • 25 Feb 2021
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Muhyiddin: Concerted effort needed to improve sustainable living

There must be a concerted effort by stakeholders, the government, industry players, academicians and the public to improve and facilitate sustainable living, said Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. The prime minister said industrialisation in Malaysia needs to be environmental-friendly with a sustainable consumption and production approach. “With your support, I am confident that we can make meaningful progress together as a nation,” Muhyiddin said in his speech at the Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award (PMHA) 2019/2020 ceremony conducted virtually here tonight. On the country’s challenges in maintaining environmental sustainability during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, he said although Malaysians found some relief by experiencing clearer skies and cleaner air during the movement control order period, new norms also meant that there were fresh environmental issues to deal with in the form of indiscriminate disposal of face masks and the heavy use of plastics for takeaways. “Environmental initiatives took a back seat due to such activities. Thus, the challenge now is for us to restore economic activities without reactivating environmental degradation,” he said. He noted that the situation had worsened in 2020 when river pollution occurred with frequent water disruptions, affecting households and businesses, especially in the Klang Valley due to the irresponsible acts of some quarters who illegally disposed industrial waste into rivers. In this regard, Muhyiddin said the government was reviewing the compounds and penalties under the Environmental Quality Act 1974 so that stern action could be taken against offenders.

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