More than 7,000 higher and further education institutions worldwide


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  • 10 Jul 2019
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More Than 7,000 Higher Education Institutions Worldwide Declare Climate Emergency

More than 7,000 higher and further education institutions worldwide have declared a climate emergency in a letter recognising “the need for a drastic societal shift to combat the growing threat of climate change.” They plan to increase the delivery of environmental and sustainability education in their courses and campus programmes, and go carbon-neutral by 2030, or 2050 at the latest. They also plan to mobilise more resources for “action-oriented climate change research” and skills development. The letter was organised by the UK’s Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education as well as United States-based climate action organisation Second Nature and UN Environment’s Youth and Education Alliance. So far, 25 networks and 56 institutions including King’s College London, France’s Grenoble Ecole de Management, Dubai’s Zayed University and the Universidad Nacional de Colombia have signed the letter. However, only three institutions in Asia feature among the 56 that have signed the climate emergency letter. .

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