Malaysian youths in Penang pitch sustainable business models to tackle social issues


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  • 16 Nov 2018
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Malaysian youths in Penang pitch sustainable business models to tackle social issues

Twelve teams have gone head-to-head to pitch their innovative approaches to help achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during the Youth Co:Lab Malaysia at CAT Penang in George Town. The three-day boot camp event saw some 60 participants coming up with various ideas and approaches to help ensure sustainability and uphold human rights. They were put through intensive syllabuses designed to pilot their potential innovative solutions, build prototypes, solidify their impact delivery models and then refine their pitching through creative entrepreneurship strategies. Among the winning ideas were business models using of biodegradable plastic that can be given out for free, harnessing of noise pollution as alternative energy and a one-stop solution for building and owning affordable houses.

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The Star