Malaysia ranked in the second cluster of Doing Better under an index


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  • 14 Feb 2019
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Malaysian Philanthropy Ranked ‘Doing Better’ Under the Doing Good Index

Malaysia ranked in the second cluster of Doing Better based on the performance of 15 Asian economies in the Doing Good Index (DGI). The DGI measures the performance in terms of four clusters - Doing Well, Doing Better, Doing Okay, and Not Doing Enough with each cluster representing the distance left to travel towards a conducive environment for doing good. The index reveals how Asian economies are catalysing philanthropic giving by analysing regulatory and institutional infrastructure enabling or impeding philanthropy. Joining Malaysia in the Doing Better cluster were Hong Kong, Korea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam, all trailing behind Japan, Singapore and Taiwan who led the cluster. Malaysia was particularly doing well in two sub-indexes - Regulations and Socio- Cultural Ecosystem. The Regulations sub-index evaluates laws and policies pertaining to philanthropic activity and social investments while the latter sub-index maps the supportive environment for giving of philanthropic funds and the delivery of services through public perception, institutional recognition, talent infrastructure, and good governance.

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