Malaysian firm Meditech Gloves will begin production of natural gloves


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  • 26 Nov 2020
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Malaysian Firm Meditech Gloves to Produce Green Alternative to Rubber Gloves

Malaysian firm Meditech Gloves will begin production of natural gloves that can biodegrade 100 times faster than synthetic, petroleum-based options. Most of the 80 million gloves used by coronavirus health workers each month are made from synthetic rubber and end up in landfill where they remain for about 100 years. That is something a Malaysian company is determined to address. When the pandemic broke out Meditech Gloves, a recent entrant into the industry, ramped up their production to meet the massive surge in demand for their gloves which use natural rubber. Meditech Gloves is working with scientists at Britain’s Cranfield University to create a surgical glove that uses natural rubber and can biodegrade 100 times faster than the widely used synthetic, petroleum-based rubber options. They hope their sustainable alternative will leave a lasting legacy in a market set to be worth $70 billion by 2027.

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News Trust