The roadmap will be introduced “by 2020”


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  • 18 Nov 2019
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Malaysian Circular Economy Roadmap for Plastics to Be Launched by 2020

The roadmap will be introduced “by 2020”, as part of the 2018-2030 roadmap towards zero single-use plastics, according to reports by The Malaysian Reserve. The roadmap aims to provide a direction for policy and stakeholders – including state governments. The International Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Dr Ong Kian Ming said Malaysia is now preparing to “take the next step towards sustainability”. “The potential for the circular economy and recycling is huge, and the government will ensure Malaysia does not miss out,” he said. There is currently no uniform approach to address single-use plastics in Malaysia, and a recent investigation by Greenpeace claimed the developed world’s plastics are finding their way into countries in Southeast Asia that “don’t have the capacity to deal with it”. Ong said: “To progress towards a circular economy and to develop sustainably while protecting the environment, Malaysia needs a feasible, effective and advanced waste management system for the country.” “We must address the issue of human behaviour, and not demonise any particular material or industry,” he said.

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