Malaysian Banks Leading in Board Gender Diversity in Asia – Study by CPA Australia
New research has found Malaysia’s large financial institutions are leaders in board gender diversity in Asia-Pacific, according to a research report published by CPA Australia.
The report on "Banking on governance, insuring sustainability", which was done in collaboration with Associate Professor Mak Yuen Teen from the National University of Singapore, revealed the results of a study on the 50 largest listed banks and 50 largest listed insurance companies by market capitalisation from 15 Asia-Pacific economies including four Malaysian insurers and three Malaysian banks.
The report focuses on corporate governance, remuneration, risk management and emerging trends.
In a statement today, CPA Australia said the report found Malayan Banking Bhd to be one of the leading banks in the region for board gender diversity, with women making up over 36% of their directors, well above the average of 17.8% across the 50 banks reviewed. It also found the proportion of independent board of directors in Malaysia’s largest banks who are women, at 23.4%, second only to Australian banks.

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The Edge Markets