Malaysia welcomes Swiss investments in its palm oil industry’s downstream activities


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  • 01 Oct 2018
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Malaysia Welcomes Swiss Investments in Palm Oil Downstream Activities

Malaysia welcomes Swiss investments in its palm oil industry’s downstream activities to create outputs for the benefit of mankind and planet earth. Primary Industries Minister Teresa Kok said this cannot be achieved if Switzerland were to exclude palm oil from their own national consumption patterns, through punitive actions sanctioned by its Parliament. “We thus appeal for support from Switzerland to speak up against the current 28 European Union (EU) member states’ efforts to phase out sustainable palm oil use as a source of biofuels while allowing other oils and fats to continue. “It has been established that biofuels irrespective of their source, when sustainably produced, will better protect the environment compared to fossil fuels,” she said at the Malaysian Palm Oil Roundtable Dialogue in Berne, Switzerland, today.

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New Straits Times