Malaysia churns out more on sustainability


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  • 14 Oct 2021
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Malaysia churns out more on sustainability

A lot can be expected from the world, including Malaysia, in the years to come during economic recovery to achieve the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) post-COVID-19. Norliza Hashim, CEO of Urbanice Malaysia said the SDGs are necessary for countries to move forward as the pandemic has driven all stakeholders to reconsider their commitments on climate change agenda, equitable growth, and ways to protect natural resources. Norliza highlighted that the territorial approach to SDG is crucial, saying that it should not be only confined to any sort of administrative boundary. She also believed that from a territorial point of view, Malaysia can check out the linkages of urban to suburban and rural better, which is necessary to understand the distribution of growth and its equitable growth.

The Malaysian Reserve