Lynas Told To Remove Its Radioactive Waste From Malaysia


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  • 12 Feb 2023
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Lynas Told To Remove Its Radioactive Waste From Malaysia

Australian rare earth mineral producer Lynas will no longer be able to keep its radioactive waste in its refinery in Gebeng, Pahang as part of the three-year license renewal conditions that will be in force from July. This means that going forward, the company, one of the world’s largest producers of rare earths outside of China, will only be able to refine its materials at its Malaysian plant and must export the “cracking and leaching” of lanthanide concentrate produced there. Various lobby groups and diplomats from Australia, the United States, Japan, and the European Union have sought meetings with Malaysia’s Science, Technology, and Innovation Minister Chang Lih Kang for assurance that Malaysia will not disrupt Lynas’ production of refined rare earth goods that are needed for things like mobile phones, rechargeable batteries, and military assets.

Source: Malay Mail