Rare earth producer Lynas Corporation


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  • 11 Jul 2019
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Lynas Corp Now Part of UN’s Corporate Sustainability Initiative

Rare earth producer Lynas Corporation has announced that the company has joined the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative - the United Nations (UN) Global Compact. Lynas is a leading supplier of sustainable rare earths and customers are increasingly interested in understanding the environmental standards and social provenance the company’s rare earth materials provide. The company now joins over 13,000 participants across all industries who are dedicated to aligning their operations with universal principals on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The UN Global Compact website now lists Lynas Corporation Ltd as a private company in Malaysia in the mining industry with 730 employees and with the status of being a “signatory” to the UN Global Compact. Lynas hopes that being a signatory of the Compact will strengthen its position in advancing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals across the company’s operations.

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