London mayor to ban junk food ads on tubes and buses


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  • 10 May 2018
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London Mayor to Ban Junk Food Ads on Tubes and Buses

Junk food adverts are to be banned from London’s tube and bus network by Sadiq Khan, the city’s major, in an attempt to curb an epidemic of childhood obesity. Ads that promote foods and drinks that are high in salt, fat and sugar will no longer be accepted on tubes, buses and overground trains that are part of the Transport for London (TfL) network – nor in stations. The ban is currently out to consultation. Although adverts for full-sugar Coca-Cola would no longer be accepted under the plans, Diet Coke ads could still run. McDonald’s will be unable to advertise a Big Mac and fries but could promote its salads. Food and drink advertising contributed about £20 million in revenue to TfL in 2016/17 – around two-thirds of it for food and drink that was high in fat, salt and sugar.

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