How can you police deforestation or run an earth-friendly


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  • 14 Apr 2020
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Lockdown Innovation: How Are Asia’s Sustainability Practitioners Staying Effective in the Time of Coronavirus?

How can you police deforestation or run an earth-friendly holiday resort while working from home? Eco-Business asked sustainability folk working in palm oil, consumer goods, consulting, environmental activism and journalism how they continue to do their jobs in unprecedented times. Sustainability jobs that require fieldwork have mostly stopped in response to lockdown orders to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. Globally, the number of available jobs in conservation has fallen by half, and large chunks of sustainability roles have pivoted online, practitioners swapping binoculars for satellite monitoring software. As the number of coronavirus cases in Asia continues to rise, Eco-Business asked a journalist, an activist, an entrepreneur, a consultant, a holiday resort operator, and a corporate sustainability manager in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam and Hong Kong how they’re staying effective under unprecedented working conditions.

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