Lloyds Banking Group has announced that it will not fund new coal-fired power stations


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  • 02 Aug 2018
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Lloyds Bank to Stop Financing New Coal Plants and Thermal Coal Mines

Lloyds Banking Group has said that it will not fund new coal-fired power stations or thermal coal mines, or bank new clients that derive most of their revenue from either of these operations. The new policy brings Lloyds in line with peers Royal Bank of Scotland and HSBC, which both announced similar changes earlier this year as lenders update their approach amid growing concerns about coal’s impact on the environment. “To achieve the aims set out in the 2015 Paris Agreement, continued reduction in the amount of coal mined and used to generate electricity is needed. This announcement reiterates our commitment to support the transition,” David Oldfield, group director of commercial banking, said in a statement.

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