Joe Biden commits to slashing US greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 .


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  • 23 Apr 2021
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Joe Biden commits to slashing US greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 - nearly doubling its previous target

President Joe Biden has committed the US to halving its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. The pledge came during a virtual global summit at the White House on Thursday that included Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other world leaders. In his address at the start of the event, Mr Biden said: "The science is undeniable. "The cost of inaction just keeps mounting... we have to step up." The pledge - which amounts to nearly doubling previous commitments - and the summit, represent a concerted US effort to reclaim credibility and leadership on climate change after four years of inaction under Donald Trump. The target is based on 2005 levels of emissions. Among US measures to be employed to reduce emissions by 50% to 52% are a "carbon border adjustment" - or carbon tariff - that would tax imports from countries that do not have similar emissions controls. The White House will also target the biggest emitting sectors - including ensuring zero emissions from power plants by 2035, boosting energy efficiency in homes and businesses, incentives for electric vehicle use and expanding "carbon sinks" like forests and agriculture.

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