A group of citizens is suing the Indonesian government


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  • 11 Jul 2019
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Jakarta Residents Sue Government Over ‘world’s Filthiest’ Air Quality

A group of citizens is suing the Indonesian government, including the president, over the poor air quality in Jakarta, which has been ranked as the worst in the world. The lawsuit, filed by the group calling itself the Jakarta Advocacy Team, holds seven top government officials liable for the problem, including President Joko Widodo and Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan. Among their demands, the activists want a comprehensive research-based plan to reduce air pollution, similar to what the Chinese government implemented in 2014 when it ‘declared war’ on air pollution and unveiled an action plan to improve overall air quality across the country within five years. Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry said the activists were within their rights to file a suit but questioned the air quality data they presented. Jakarta has repeatedly been ranked as the world’s most polluted city, with levels of PM2.5, a fine particulate matter deemed harmful to human health, reaching “unhealthy” concentrations.

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