International investors group calls on 500 top companies to disclose more employee data.


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  • 05 Jul 2018
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Investors Demand 500 Companies Disclose More Data on Employees

A group of international investors managing more than $12 trillion has written to 500 of the world’s top companies calling for more information about the treatment of their employees. More than 100 institutional investors from 11 countries signed a letter sent by the Workforce Disclosure Initiative (WDI), coordinated by ShareAction, seeking better data on issues such as diversity, workers’ rights and health and safety in their supply chains. The investors, among them Schroders, UBS, Amundi, HSBC Asset Management, Axa Investment Managers, Legal and General IM, Nordea, Rockefeller & Co, and AustralianSuper, gave the companies a deadline of October 22, 2018 to respond. “As companies have been reinforcing their disclosures on environmental topics over recent years, we wish to see a similar effort with social factors,” Matt Christensen, Global Head of Responsible Investment, AXA IM, said in a statement.

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