A new coalition has been launched to mobilise a $500 million


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  • 22 Jan 2020
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Investors Commit $500m to Help Developing Nations Achieve SDGs

A new coalition has been launched to mobilise a $500 million investment platform to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by targeting businesses operating in developing countries. The SDG500 is a coalition of private and public sector organisations, including United Nations entities, non-governmental organisations and private equity firms. The investment platform will target businesses across the agriculture, finance, energy, education and healthcare sectors across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean and Pacific regions. The SDG500 will offer six underlying funds aimed at addressing the “missing middle” finance gap that can impact start-ups and disruptors at a point where the original market growth becomes constrained. There will also be a focus on gender and the empowerment of women for some of the funds. The founder and managing partner Jean-Philippe de Schrevel, from Bamboo Capital Partners, noted that he had “never seen a coalition from the private and public sector come together to achieve the SDGs on this scale before”.

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The Edie