Climate Action 100+, whose members include most


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  • 14 Sep 2020
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Investor Group Issues AGM Warning to Climate Net-zero Laggards

Climate Action 100+, whose members include most of the world’s biggest investors, collectively managing $47 trillion in assets, has written to the boards of the world’s biggest corporate emitters of greenhouse gases, warning they must produce a strategy to move their business to net-zero carbon emissions or face pressure at future AGMs. CA100+ said the strategies needed to have clear targets and that companies would be assessed on their performance. The group called on the companies to create strategies that covered their full value chain - including so-called Scope 3 emissions from each company’s products - and were science-based. CA100+ will be launching a new benchmark to help its 500 members and others assess each company’s progress on the way to net-zero against a set of 30 indicators.

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