Indonesia’s President has reportedly expressed his intention


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  • 18 Jul 2019
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Indonesia’s President Signals a Transition Away From Coal Power

Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo has reportedly expressed his intention to wean Indonesia off coal, in a move that runs counter to his own administration’s stated policy of increasing the country’s reliance on the fossil fuel. The reported comment comes amid a period of particularly dire air quality in Jakarta, blaming, in part, coal-fired power plants operating near the city. If the administration follows through on the statement with concrete policies to phase out coal use, this could signal the beginning of a transition to renewable energy for Indonesia, the largest energy consumer in South East Asia and one of the biggest consumers of coal in the world, analysts say. However, any meaningful change will have to start with an overhaul of the electricity procurement plan, or RUPTL, by the state-owned utility, PLN. At present, the RUPTL calls for increasing the absolute figure for renewable power generation over the long term, but shrinking its share of the overall energy mix in favour of more coal-fired electricity.

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Indonesia’s President Signals a Transition Away From Coal Power