ESG issues and sustainable development ambitions are becoming increasingly


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  • 19 Feb 2019
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‘Increasing Maturity’: Pwc Poll Highlights Growth of ESG and Sustainable investing in Private Equity

The results of a global PwC survey points to signs of “increasing maturity” in the responsible investment sector where ESG issues and sustainable development ambitions are becoming increasingly important. The consultancy’s annual Private Equity Responsible Investment Survey published today draws on the views of 162 respondents from 35 countries and territories, including 145 private equity houses. It found almost 81 percent of respondents are currently reporting ESG matters to their boards at least once a year, while just over a third are reporting on ESG even more frequently. Moreover, 91 percent of investors said they now had an ESG or sustainable development policy in place or in development, an increase from 80 percent five years ago. Two-thirds of respondents also said they have identified and prioritised SDGs that are relevant to their investments while 43 percent said they have a proactive approach to monitoring and reporting portfolio company performance against the SDGs, compared to just 16 percent in 2016, PwC said.

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