INCEIF launches i-Connect Fintech in Islamic Finance


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  • 11 Sep 2021
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INCEIF launches i-Connect Fintech in Islamic Finance

The International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) has launched the i-Connect Fintech in Islamic Finance collaboration to create and nurture a conducive innovation Islamic finance ecosystem in Malaysia. INCEIF has been appointed as the neutral entity for i-Connect, which is an industry-led collaborative network that involves quadruple helix (industry, research community, government and civil society) for disruptive innovation, by the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) which is under the purview of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

The i-Connect Fintech in Islamic Finance collaborative network is helmed by 17 founding members who represent the industry, academia, government and civil society. Founding chairman, Umar Munshi, said that by establishing the collaborative network and research grant, the founding members aim to enhance Malaysia’s innovation capacity in Islamic fintech and accelerate the rollout of new solutions into the market to create positive social and financial impact.

The Star