The head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, has said it should be “politically incorrect”


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  • 17 Sep 2018
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IMF Boss Says it Should be Politically Incorrect for Firms Not to have Senior Women

The head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, has said it should be “politically incorrect” for companies not to have a woman in a senior position. Lagarde said even companies with “no moral compass” should recognise they can boost their profits through promoting women to senior and boardroom positions. In a speech in London, Lagarde said tackling gender inequality would boost economic growth in developing nations, as she urged businesses worldwide to appoint more women to senior posts. Lagarde said increasing the proportion of women in prominent business and finance industry jobs could raise economic dynamism and shift firms into thinking about the long-term future of the planet. Outlining the importance for developing nations, she said reducing gender inequality by 10 percentage points in sub-Saharan African countries could boost growth by two percentage points over five years. 

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