IT company, Hewlett-Packard (HP) is set to invest $11 million


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  • 24 Sep 2019
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HP to Fund Restoration of 200,000 Acres of Forest

IT company, Hewlett-Packard (HP) is set to invest $11 million in forest restoration, protection and management schemes over the next five years, as part of its overarching ambition to ensure that every page printed using an HP printer is “forest positive”. Established through a new partnership with environmental NGO, WWF, the scheme is set to benefit 200,000 acres of forest across Brazil and China and support WWF’s efforts in developing science-based targets for forestry and nature. Science-based targets currently only exist for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from business operations and value chains, but research has demonstrated the need to include the restoration of natural habitats in minimising the global average temperature increase. The move from HP comes as an extension to its 2020 goal to ensure that pages printed using HP printers aren’t contributing to deforestation. HP is urging its suppliers to achieve Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification and will be running internal and external communications aimed at increasing awareness.

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The Edie