Hong Kong and mainland Chinese finance regulators have joined forces


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  • 14 Jan 2019
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Hong Kong highlights its role as a green bond hub for mainland firms

More than 50 mainland banks and businesses have been invited for a three-day visit to Hong Kong to explore the benefits of fundraising with a view to ethical and social benefits. Officials from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the People’s Bank of China and the Green Finance Association will brief them on how they can tap the city’s financial infrastructure for cheaper foreign-currency financing. The invited firms include banks from eastern and southern cities and provinces, and companies in diverse industries, including new energy, water treatment, transit development, electric vehicles, agriculture, and desertification prevention and reversal. Chairman of the Hong Kong Green Finance Association, Ma Jun said he expected Hong Kong green bond issuance to grow “strongly” this year, partly thanks to the concerted government effort. But he said the government could do more to help bolster the city’s green finance development.

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South China Morning Post