GRI, PRI and the UN Global Compact have published a new report offering guidance


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  • 24 Jul 2018
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GRI, PRI, Global Compact Addresses Investor Needs In Corporate SDG Reporting

A publication launched at the SDG Business Forum by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the UN Global Compact seeks to help businesses align their SDG-related disclosures with investors’ information needs. The report, 'In Focus: Addressing Investor Needs in Business Reporting on the SDGs', offers guidance to companies to ensure that their disclosures help mobilize the finance needed to achieve the SDGs. The report’s ten key recommendations focus on: message and approach; strategy and governance; report content; and data format. The recommendations are placed in context, with the report describing how reporters and investors can align their engagement efforts, for example, so that investors can understand the potential short-term trade-offs required to realize long-term gains.

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