Greenpeace cuts ties with Asia Pulp and Paper over allegations of deforestation


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  • 16 May 2018
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Greenpeace Cuts Ties with Asia Pulp and Paper Over Allegations of Deforestation

International environmental group Greenpeace is cutting ties with a haze-linked company over allegations that Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) is still linked to the destruction of forests for pulpwood. The announcement puts an end to some five years of collaboration between the environmental group, which had advised APP on the implementation of its forest conservation policies, and the company. “Greenpeace International has put these allegations to APP/Sinar Mas. The group failed to provide a credible response or to take meaningful action. As a result, Greenpeace has ended all further engagement with APP/Sinar Mas,” Greenpeace’s statement stated. The allegations follow as Associated Press report in December 2017 that implied that APP had covered up links to suppliers that practice deforestation or illegal slash-and-burn methods in a bid to void its sustainability claims.

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Straits Times