Renewable energy could power an economic recovery


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  • 20 Apr 2020
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Green Energy Could Drive Covid-19 Recovery With $100tn Boost

Renewable energy could power an economic recovery from Covid-19 by spurring global GDP gains of almost $100 trillion between now and 2050, according to a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency. The agency found that accelerating investment in renewable energy could generate huge economic benefits while helping to tackle the global climate emergency. The agency’s director general, Francesco La Camera, urged governments to invest in renewable energy to kickstart economic growth and help meet climate targets. The agency’s landmark report found that accelerating investment in renewable energy would help tackle the climate crisis and would in effect pay for itself. Investing in renewable energy would deliver global GDP gains by returning between $3 and $8 on every dollar invested. It would also quadruple the number of jobs in the sector to 42 million over the next 30 years, and measurably improve global health and welfare scores, according to the report.

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The Guardian