More companies have been pursuing green and sustainable projects


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  • 21 Aug 2019
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Green Bond Supply Growing in Asia Pacific

More companies have been pursuing green and sustainable projects over the last five years, with funds raised in the global green bond market rising to more than $167.3 billion as of end-2018, compared to less than $50 billion in 2014. The Asia-Pacific region accounted for 22 percent of the global green bond market, mostly due to mature markets such as China, Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong, with about 60 percent of these bonds used for green buildings, energy, and transport projects. ASEAN are in the best position to grow, with a projected demand of $3 trillion for green investments until 2030. This demand is driven by several factors including a growing population, higher consumption, heightened green consciousness, and the rise of value-based investors. Meanwhile, AC Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, said they have identified three challenges to focus on, marginalisation, large untapped potential of human capital, and irresponsible growth leading to long-term environmental damage.

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