Total green bond issuance has broken the $500 billion barrier


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  • 13 Nov 2018
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Green Bond Market Breaks Half a Trillion-Dollar Barrier

Total green bond issuance has broken the $500 billion barrier, marking a significant milestone for the 11-year-old market, data from Environmental Finance’s database reveals. Deals worth a combined $505 billion have so far been priced by 604 issuers. Multinationals have been a significant driver of growth, having issued $64.9 billion of green bonds – 12.85 percent of the overall market. Suzanne Buchta, global head of ESG capital markets at Bank of America Merrill Lynch and one of the original architects of the GBPs, told Environmental Finance that “the green bond market has achieved its initial intention: to draw attention to environmental issues and to get the conversation on the forthcoming energy transition started, globally, at all levels and across all industries.”

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Environmental Finance