Over 100 Google employees sign letter calling on the company to cancel Project Dragonfly


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  • 27 Nov 2018
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Google Employees: We No Longer Believe the Company Places Values Over Profits

Google employees are calling on the company to cancel Project Dragonfly, an effort to create a censored search engine in China. Critics say that by cooperating with the Chinese government, Google would have violated principles of free expression as well as users’ privacy rights. “Many of us accepted employment at Google with the company’s values in mind, including its previous position on Chinese censorship and surveillance, and an understanding that Google was a company willing to place its values above its profits,” an open letter signed by Google employees published on Medium says. “After a year of disappointments including Project Maven, Dragonfly, and Google’s support for abusers, we no longer believe this is the case.” The number of signatures quickly grew, amounting to more than 100 several hours after the letter was published.

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