UN-backed competition to support green growth and help


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  • 23 Aug 2018
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Global Sustainability Projects Receive $100,000 Each to Advance SDGs

A new UN-backed competition to support green growth and help advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries has selected 11 projects to each receive $100,000 in funding. The Partnering for Green Growth and Global Goals 2030 initiative (P4G) will provide each of the successful public-private partnership applicants with support for projects which focus on five key UN SDGs covering food and agriculture, water, energy, cities and the circular economy. Launched earlier in 2018, the P4G accelerator programme is led by the governments of Chile, Denmark, Ethiopia, Kenya, Korea, Mexico, and Vietnam, as well as non-profits such as the World Resources Institute. The 11 successful projects announced include UK sustainability non-profit Forum for the Futures plans to work with mobile food delivery service foodpanda to reduce single-use plastic waste from the food delivery sector in Asia. 

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