New court ruling may force large US companies


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  • 06 Mar 2019
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Gender Pay Reporting May Start in Weeks Across Corporate America, Following the UK

Companies with more than 100 employees will have to report data to the U.S. government about how much workers are paid, broken down by sex, race and ethnicity, possibly as soon as this spring, according to a new court ruling. While the pay disclosures were finalized in the summer of 2016, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) froze the expanded requirements after President Trump took office. The National Women’s Law Centre and other groups sued, and on March 4, Judge Tanya Chutkan ruled in their favour, saying that the government didn’t properly justify its decision. The OMB could appeal, and it’s not clear whether companies will have to comply by the original deadline of May 31. The court decision comes amid a rising global push to get companies to show that their pay practices are fair. Under shareholder pressure, most of the big U.S. banks last year released modified information on the gender pay gaps in their workforce. The U.K.’s new gender pay gap reporting requirements are entering their second year.

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