G7 nations commit billions more to fossil fuel than green energy


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  • 02 Jun 2021
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G7 nations commit billions more to fossil fuel than green energy

The nations that make up the G7 have invested billions of dollars more into fossil fuels than they have into clean energy since the Covid-19 pandemic, despite their promises of a green recovery. New analysis from the development charity Tearfund, the International Institute for Sustainable Development and the Overseas Development Institute reveals that the countries attending the upcoming G7 Summit committed $189 billion to support oil, coal and gas between January 2020 and March 2021. In comparison, the same countries – the UK, US, Canada, Italy, France, Germany and Japan – spent $147 billion on clean forms of energy. The support for fossil fuels from seven of the world’s richest nations included measures to remove or downgrade environmental regulations as well as direct funding of oil, gas and coal.

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The Guardian